Musical peace manifestation
The Armed Man – A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins 2025-03-30 at 18:30
Right now we are all affected by a war going on near us. The questions of what will happen, how we are all affected and what will happen to the victims of this war are ever present. With this concert, we want to focus on the suffering that war brings, but also on a future that can hopefully be bright – even if our own lives and our reality have changed forever.
Using texts from the Bible, Kipling, Dryden, and many of the traditional fairground games, Karl Jenkins has created his work The Armed Man. The title comes from a 15th century French folk song, L’Homme Armé. Commissioned by the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds in 1999, the work is dedicated to all the victims of the Kosovo conflict.
Linnéa Sirborn, soprano
Annika Hudak, alto
Awad Olwan, tenor, imam
Allan Scharf, bass, Jewish cantor
Ansgarskyrkans Vokalensemble
Lidingö Cappella
Lidingö kyrkokör
Lidingö Motettkör
Lidingö unga manskörsensemble – Lumen
Lidingö Youth Choir
Stockholm Concert Orchestra
Stefan Själander, conductor
Tickets at SEK 150 are available at biljettmonster. see
All ticket proceeds go to ACT The Church of Sweden’s disaster relief efforts in Ukraine, Gaza, Afghanistan and South Sudan.